Re: [lug-nuts] Web page updated and all GIFs burned

From: Brian Lavender (
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 00:43:41 PST

Yes, png is is compact, lossless and it supports high color. It also
supports transparency. I believe this is called setting an alpha channel
or some effect. It doesn't support animation like gif though. Some people
are working on mng which does support animation. The png specification
was set before animation was considered of value. has sponsored
png development. Take a look at the png's for yourself on saclug and you
be the judge. They are compact. The orignal gif was taken from
website as a gif for the VA logo. Browser support has only been recent
for png, probably because gif did the job, and Unisys let the whole
issue slide until recently.

On Tue, Jan 25, 2000 at 12:23:53AM -0800, Scott Tyson wrote:
> Is png a low bandwidt format like gif?

Brian Lavender
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