Harry Souders wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 14, 2000 at 11:02:09AM -0800, Karen R wrote:
> > >* note -- I put swap first
> >
> > I've seen in install instructions to put the swap first. And it
> > brings up questions...
> > 1) why?
> > 2) does it make a difference between putting it first and last?
> > 3) with 64mb ram, does one really need a swap file?
> I usually put /boot first which contains my kernel(s). I don't know if
> it still matters, but on very large hard drives (are there any other
> types these days?) you used to have to have the kernel in the first 1024
> cylinders. I am guess that this is still necessary Y/n?
Oh yeah! Ran into this the other day :)
> Why swap first? (I have no idea)
> I have heard it that putting the swap in the first partition will speed
> up hard drive access. However, I have never seen proof of this?
> Anyone???
The swap is closer to the spindle if its the first partition, but its
not really
noticable these days with drives as fast as they are.
> swap files?
> Definitely needed. Only in very specific situations do you not need a
> swap file. I use a swap on my web server of 128MB and it already has
> 128MB of ram. Most of my machines have 32-64MB of swap space. Even with
> 64MB of ram a swap is usually needed.
Most people reccomend twice your ram size for swap, but once I added 256
megs of
ram I thought a 512 meg swap was just too much, so I max swap at 256
> Last week I was compiling a program on a new
> machine that had no swap file. The machine had 64MB of ram. The program
> didn't have enough memory to compile. Now, you might be saying that you
> don't compile programs. Well, I think the latest Netscape browswer for
> linux requires that it be compiled during it's install. Btw, anyone used
> Netsape 4.7?
I run NS 4.7.
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