Re: [lug-nuts] Web server indexing

From: Brian Lavender (
Date: Fri Jan 14 2000 - 12:32:11 PST

Excite's EWS works well. It's free and it's written in PERL. You will
have to have support to run libc5 because it has wrapper written that was
compiled against libc5. I run it on I will bring it
to the installfest tomorrow. When you unpack it, unpack it as root. Then
run the or whatever script it says to run. It actually contains
it's own perl5.003. Oh, maybe that was what caused me to install libc5
compatibilty. Anyway, it works well. It's not GNU, but it's free. Otherwise,
I believe Glimpse is GNU.

Here is the URL for EWS,


On Fri, Jan 14, 2000 at 12:36:37PM -0800, Jason Painter wrote:
> Rookie's back with a question:
> I have RH 6.0 with Apache 1.3.9 (I think that's the version). I have a bunch of old legal documents that I am batch converting to HTML. I want to make these pages available for my internal users to view through their broswers, but they need to be able to search them for specific information. I have Index Server on an NT 4 machine, but I would like to do this on my Linux box. Is there an app out there or perl script that will index and search these pages?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated again!
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Brian Lavender
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