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CSC 20: Programming Concepts and Methodology II
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Spring 2020
Lecture: TTh 5:30PM-6:20PM in AIRC.
Lab: TTh 6:30-8:20pm in Lab
Lecture and Lab attendance is mandatory.
Topics and assignment due dates are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.
LessonTopicsAssignment Due
Meeting 1 Tue, Jan 21
  • Syllabus Overview
  • Course Introduction
  • Canvas tour
  • Module 0
  • How to be successful in this course
  • Using the CSC computing environment
  • Introductions
  • Simple programs and the structure of a Java Program for non-Java
Meeting 2 Thu, Jan 23
  • BJP 3.3, BJP 5.1 (Random Numbers subsection)
  • Random numbers
  • Using objects
  • Open file, scanner, array
  • CSS NameGame
  • CSS RollTwoDice
Meeting 3 Tue, Jan 28
  • BJP 5.4, BJP 6.1, BJP 6.2, BJP 6.3, BJP 6.4, Scanner Problem 1
  • Scanner Lookahead and error handling, Files
  • Scanner next(), nextInt(), nextDouble()
  • Scanner Problem 1
Lab 0
Converting C++ programs to Java equivalents (optional)
Meeting 4 Thu, Jan 30
  • BJP Appendix C, BJP 4.4
  • try/catch, exception handling
  • Reading Files
Meeting 5 Tue, Feb 4
  • BJP 7.1, BJP 7.3, BJP 7.5(through "Rectangular Two-Dimensional Arrays"), CSS matrixSum
  • Arrays
  • CSS Matrix Sum
Program 1
Lyrics Transformation. See canvas
Lab 1
Details TBA
Meeting 6 Thu, Feb 6
  • Exam 1
Meeting 7 Tue, Feb 11
  • BJP 8.1, 8.2, 8.3
  • Classes
  • Constructors
  • Fields
  • private / public
  • CSS Circle
Lab 2
Meeting 8 Thu, Feb 13
  • Read about Javadoc, write Javadoc for CSS Circle
  • Classes and Javadoc
  • Javadoc
  • Testing
  • Javadoc and Testing for CSS circle
Meeting 9 Tue, Feb 18
  • Inheritance
  • BJP 9.1, 9.2
  • Inheritance and Interacting with the Superclass
Lab 3
Random Walker
Meeting 10 Thu, Feb 20
  • Polymorphism
Meeting 11 Tue, Feb 25
  • static
  • Polymorphism and Inheritance
  • HarryLarryMaryJerry
Module 2 Program
Lab 4
Meeting 12 Thu, Feb 27
  • Exam 2
Meeting 13 Tue, Mar 3
  • BJP 9.5, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3
  • Collections
  • Array List
  • Set interface
  • Map interface
  • HashSet and TreeSet
  • HashMap and TreeMap
Lab 5
Meeting 14 Thu, Mar 5
  • Set applications
  • Map applications
Meeting 15 Tue, Mar 10
  • BJP 14.1, 14.2 Stacks and Queues
  • Stacks
  • LIFO
  • Deques
  • FIFO
Lab 6
Set and Map
Meeting 16 Thu, Mar 12
  • BJP 16.1, 16.2, 16.3
  • Linked Lists
Meeting 17 Tue, Mar 17
  • Linked Lists
Lab 7
Linked Lists
Meeting 18 Thu, Mar 19
  • Linked Lists
Sun, Mar 22
    Module 3 Program
    Meeting 19 Tue, Mar 24
    • Exam 3
    Module 3 Program
    Lab 8
    Meeting 20 Thu, Mar 26
    • BJP 16
    • Linked lists with structure changes
    • helper methods
    Mon-Fri, Mar 30-Apr 3
    • Spring Break
    Meeting 21 Tue, Apr 7
    • BJP 12.1, 12.2, 12.3
    • Recursion
    • Recursion Intro
    • PI Stutter
    Lab 9
    Meeting 22 Thu, Apr 9
    • Recursion
    • Linked Lists and Recursion
    Meeting 23 Tue, Apr 14
    • Recursion
    Lab 10
    Meeting 24 Thu, Apr 16
    • Recursion
    • GUI
    Sun, Apr 19
      Module 4 Program
      Meeting 25 Tue, Apr 21
      • Exam 4
      Lab 11
      Meeting 26 Thu, Apr 23
      • BJP 13.1 - 13.3
      • Sequential Search
      • Binary Search
      • Selection Sort
      Meeting 27 Tue, Apr 28
      • Sorting
      • Searching
      • review
      Lab 12
      Meeting 28 Thu, Apr 30
      • compareTo
      • equals
      • hashCode
      • your iterator
      Meeting 29 Tue, May 5
      • Sorting and search of Student Class
      Lab 13
      Meeting 30 Thu, May 7
      • review
      Fri, May 8
        Module 5 Program
        Final Exam Tue, May 12
        • Final Exam - 5:15 - 7:15 pm