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CISP 360: Introduction to Structured Programming
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Fall 2017
code 12878
Lecture: Tuesday/Thursday 5:30PM-6:50PM in Rm 129.
Lab: Tuesday/Thursday 7:00PM-8:20PM in Rm 152C
Lecture and Lab attendance is mandatory.
Topics and assignment due dates are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.
LessonTopicsAssignment Due
Meeting 1 Tue, Aug 22
  • Syllabus Overview
  • Course Introduction
  • Canvas tour
  • How to be successful in this course
  • Using the ARC computing environment

Exercises are due by midnight on the date due unless it is stated otherwise. Activities must be submitted during lab period. All reading assignments must be completed prior to the indicated class meeting.

  • Verification of Prerequisites
  • Log on to the class website
  • Establish your ARC gmail account
Quiz 0
Entry-level skills evaluation. (This test is scored, but does not contribute toward your grade in this class.)
Activity 1
Complete the pre-test (Quiz 0), and Syllabus quiz
Meeting 2 Thu, Aug 24
Read Chapter 1
Introduction to Computers and Programming
Read Chapter 2
Introduction to C++
Quiz 1
on Chapter 1 completed during lab
Activity 2
3x5 card about you, career discussion, register with CodeLab
Friday, Aug 27
    Exercise 1 (Recommended submission date)
    Code Lab: Basics
    Quiz 2
    on Chapter 2
    Meeting 3 Tue, Aug 29
    • Chapter 2, continued
    Wednesday, Aug 30
      Quiz 3
      on Chapter 3. Data types, Expressions. Students who have not yet obtained a textbook may wish to review Basics of C++ in the online tutorial.
      Meeting 4 Thu, Aug 31
      Read Chapter 3
      Expressions and Interactivity
      Exercise 1
      Code Lab: Basics
      Activity 3
      Related Content
      Friday, Sep 3
        Exercise 2
        CodeLab: Console I/O, arithmetic operators
        Sunday, Sep 5
          Exercise 3
          Program: sequence, formatted I/O
          Quiz 4
          On Chapter 4
          Meeting 5 Tue, Sep 5
          • Chapter 3, continued
          Read Chapter 4
          Expressions and Interactivity
          Activity 4
          Related Content
          Meeting 6 Thu, Sep 7
          Activity 5
          D2L Team A and Team B exercises and Discussion Forum
          Friday, Sep 10
            Exercise 4
            CodeLab: Logical Expressions, Branching
            Sunday, Sep 12
              Quiz 5
              On Chapter 5
              Meeting 7 Tue, Sep 12
              • Chapter 4 Continued
              Read Chapter 5
              Loops and Files
              Activity 6
              Related Content
              Meeting 8 Thu, Sep 14
              • Begin Chapter 5
              • Iteration
              • The while Loop
              • do-while Loop
              • for Loop
              • Accumulation
              • Sentinels
              • Nested Loops
              • The break and continue Statements
              • Chapter 5, continued
              Activity 7
              Related Content
              Friday, Sep 17
                Exercise 5
                CodeLab: Loops and Iteration
                Sunday, Sep ??
                  Exercise 6
                  Program: Loops and input validation
                  Quiz 6
                  On Chapter 6
                  Meeting 9 Tue, Sep 19
                  • Reading and Writing data with Text Files
                  • Sequential Access Plain Text Files; priming read, and eof processing
                  • Data Input Validation; the failbit
                  • Function Video (not C++)
                  Read Chapter 6
                  Nested repetition, validation, failbit
                  Activity 8
                  Related Content
                  Meeting 10 Thu, Sep 21
                  • Chapter 5 continued
                  Activity 9
                  Related Content
                  Friday, Sep 24
                    Exercise 7
                    CodeLab: Functions (complete any 50 exercises)
                    Sunday, Sep 26
                      Quiz 7
                      On Chapter 7
                      Meeting 11 Tue, Sep 26
                      • Begin Chapter 6
                      • Declaring, Defining, and Calling Functions
                      • Function Prototypes
                      • Identifier Scope, Storage Class
                      • Declaring and Using Constants vs. Variables
                      • Functions: Pass by Value vs. Pass by Reference (&)
                      • inline Functions
                      • Function Default Arguments, Overloading
                      • return vs. exit()
                      • Stubs and Drivers, Stub Testing
                      • Begin Chapter 7
                      Read Chapter 7
                      Functions, Random Numbers and arrays
                      Activity 10
                      Related Content
                      Meeting 12 Thu, Sep 28
                      • Chapter 6 Continued
                      Activity 11
                      Related Content
                      Friday, Oct 1
                        Exercise 8
                        Codelab: Arrays
                        Tuesday, Oct 5
                          Quiz 8
                          On Chapter 8
                          Meeting 13 Tue, Oct 3
                          • Begin Chapter 7
                          • One-Dimensional Arrays of All Types
                          • Initializing Arrays
                          • Loading Arrays from a Data File
                          • Processing Arrays
                          • Arrays as Function Arguments
                          • Two-Dimensional Arrays
                          Read Chapter 8
                          Searching and Sorting
                          Activity 12
                          Related Content
                          Sunday, Oct 10
                            Exercise 9
                            Program: Map of the Universe
                            Quiz 9
                            on Chapter 9
                            Meeting 14 Thu, Oct 5
                            • Chapter 7, continued
                            • Begin Chapter 10
                            • Character arrays
                            • The basics of c-strings
                            • The cctype library
                            • Using cin vs. cin.getline() with c-strings
                            Read Chapter 9
                            Activity 13
                            Related Content
                            Meeting 15 Tue, Oct 10
                            • Searching, Linear Search
                            • Binary Search
                            • Sorting
                            • Sorting Parallel Arrays
                            Activity 14
                            Related Content
                            Friday, Oct 15
                              Quiz 10
                              on Chapter 10
                              Sunday, Oct 17
                                Exercise 10
                                Reading, validating input data, and calcuating statistics on input
                                Meeting 16 Thu, Oct 12
                                • Chapter 8, continued
                                • Program Testing and Debugging
                                • ***Practice midterm***: in-class debugging activity
                                Read Chapter 10
                                Activity 15
                                Related Content
                                Meeting 17 Tue, Oct 17
                                • Chapter 10 continued
                                • Midterm: This comprehensive lab practical involves content presented in chapters 1 through 8 and will take up the entire class period.
                                Activity 16
                                Related Content
                                Friday, Oct 22
                                  Quiz 11
                                  on Chapter 11
                                  Sunday, Oct 24
                                    Meeting 18 Thu, Oct 19
                                    • Chapter 10, continued
                                    • The C-String
                                    • Character Library Functions
                                    • Character Array Manipulation
                                    • C-String Library Functions: strlen(), strcpy(), strcmp()
                                    Read Chapter 11
                                    Structures and Enumerated Data Types
                                    Activity 17
                                    Related Content
                                    Meeting 19 Tue, Oct 24
                                    • Begin Chapter 9
                                    • Pointers to Primitive Types
                                    • Dereferencing Pointers
                                    • Pointers vs. Arrays
                                    • Pointer Arithmetic
                                    • Pointer Parameters and Arguments to Functions (Pass by Reference)
                                    • Use of const with Pointers
                                    • Chapter 11 continued
                                    Activity 18
                                    Related Content
                                    Friday, Oct 29
                                      Exercise 12
                                      Codelab: Structures
                                      Sunday, Oct 31
                                        Exercise 11
                                        Program: Game Grid Modelling using structures and enum types
                                        Quiz 12
                                        on Chapter 12
                                        Meeting 20 Thu, Oct 26
                                        • Chapter 9 continued
                                        Read Chapter 12
                                        File IO, Compilation Units
                                        Activity 19
                                        Related Content
                                        Tuesday, Aug 2
                                          Quiz 13
                                          on Chapter 13
                                          Meeting 21 Tue, Oct 31
                                          • Dynamic Memory Allocation for Primitive Types
                                          • Dynamic Memory Allocation for Arrays of Primitive Types
                                          • Recursion; Recursive vs. Iterative Repetition
                                          Read Chapter 13
                                          Introduction to Classes
                                          Activity 20
                                          Related Content
                                          Friday, Aug 5
                                            Exercise 13
                                            Codelab: on classes
                                            Sunday, Aug 7
                                              Exercise 14
                                              Program: Strategy game
                                              Meeting 22 Thu, Nov 2
                                              • Character Library Functions (continued)
                                              • Advanced C-String Library Functions: strstr(), strcat()
                                              • Pointers and C-Strings
                                              • C-Strings and Pointer Arrays
                                              Activity 21
                                              Related Content
                                              Meeting 23Tue, Nov 7
                                              • Begin Chapter 11
                                              • Structures
                                              • Arrays of Structures
                                              • Reading data from a Sequential access file into a structure
                                              • Structures as Function Arguments
                                              • Pointers to Structures
                                              • Sorting Structures
                                              Meeting 24 Thu, Nov 9
                                              • Dynamic Memory Allocation for Structures
                                              • Chapter 12
                                              • Reading/Writing Structures from/to Files
                                              Meeting 25Tue, Nov 14
                                              • Chapter 12, continued
                                              Meeting 26Tue, Nov 16
                                              • Chapter 12, continued
                                              Meeting 27Tue, Nov 21
                                              • Preprocessor Summary
                                              • Creating Header Files
                                              • Separate Compilation Units (single source file)
                                              • Separate Compilation Units (multiple source files)
                                              Thu, Nov 23
                                              • Thanksgiving Recess
                                              Meeting 28Tue, Nov 28
                                              • Public vs. Private Data Members and Member Functions
                                              • Class Scope and Member Access
                                              Meeting 29Thu, Nov 30
                                              • Class Constructors, Destructors
                                              • Predicate Functions, Access Functions
                                              Meeting 30Tue, Dec 5
                                              • Introduction to Interactive I/O Using the C Standard Library
                                              • Interactive I/O Using the C Standard Library Functions scanf and printf
                                              • sscanf, sprintf
                                              Meeting 31Thu, Dec 7
                                              • Files and FILE *: Using the C Standard Library
                                              • In-class porting exercise
                                              • Lab Practical Preview
                                              Final Exam Tue, Dec 12
                                              • Final Exam - during class and lab time 5:45 - 7:45pm