What is going on everybody? My name is Bucky Roberts Welcome to your very first C++ tutorial Now my guess is if you are watching this video you probably already have a basic understanding of what C++ is but for those of you guys who don't C++ is computer programming language it's how you make computer programs, computer games, So if you are interested in making any of those, then congratulations, you are in the right spot So, before opening any program and start write C++ code I want to let you guys know that you need to download and install a few programs first. The good news is that all these programs are entirely free. But, before going ahead and just installing them. Let me tell you guys what they are and what they do. The first program you are going to need is called an IDE. This pretty much the program that let's us write the code and run it. Aside from that, we need something called a compiler. Now the compiler is something that translates the code from what computer programmers can understand to something that computers can understand. So, we are going to be typing code and it is going to be easy for us to read and understand what is going on. But in order to transfer , excuse me, translate it to a bunch of 1s and 0s, to something the computer can understand we need that compiler. So that being said, a lot of people download these separately. They download the IDE and then they download the compiler. But, what I am going to be doing, is show you how to download one big program with both. So, let's go ahead and open Google. Like I said, don't worry about paying for anything. This program is entirely free. Open Google and type in "codeblocks". Press enter. Now, the first link is probably going to be for http://codeblocks.org . Now go ahead and click that. This is the program that we are going to be downloading. So, of course we need to find the download link. You can either click on this one on the left, or this one on top. It doesn't matter. Go ahead and click on one of those. We see a couple options. Download the binary release. Download the source code, or retrieve from SVN. We are going to want to download the binary release. It is the easiest and most simple way to download this program CodeBlocks. Go ahead and click binary release and check it out. It gives us all these options. Now depending upon what platform you are running. You guys are all probably running Windows, you are going to want to chose one of these options. But, for those of you running Linux and they also have a Mac version, you might want to chose these. But for most of us, we are going to be running this on a Windows machine. So you are saying alright. Now we have it narrowed down to two choices. codeblocks-10.05 setup or codeblocks-10.05mingw setup. What we want to do is download this second one. The one that says m-i-n-g-w. Now this version 10.05 may be different depending upon when you are watching this tutorial and if they updated code blocks. But, make sure you get the one that says m-i-n-g-w. The first one is the IDE, the second one, mingw, that mingw means the compiler the compiler is what we need so the computer can understand what we are doing. so go ahead and download it from BerliOS or SourceForge. Um, I already have it downloaded. I am not going to click this. Excuse me, I got some flem in my throat. I just drank a fruitista fruit freeze from Taco Bell. And, I ate a taco. And that is not a good idea, because they should call these things brain freezes and brain freezies. That is all it does to you. It just freezes your brain. and your r throat. And it puts a bunch of flem in your throat. But, I can't stop drinking. So, anyways, go ahead and click this link from SourceForge.net and save the file. And, whenever you save it and open it, a wizard is gonna pop up and you just click next 80 different times and then you have code blocks installed. So, I already installed it. I am not going to walk you guys through it. Because, it is really simple and not act like you guys are dumb and how to install things on your computer. Once you have it installed, you have this program called CodeBlocks right here. Now you might have it on "All Programs". You might have it under CodeBlocks. What I like to do is right click it and send it to desktop. and what that is going to do is give you a nice little icon on your desktop. But anyways, once you have it installed just go ahead and double click it and we're going to run a really simple program just to make sure it is working correctly. We're going to run a really simple program to make sure it is working correctly. So go ahead, it gives you these tips. Close them out. What we're going to do is create a new project. And you can either do that by creating this new project right here or what I like to do is go up to the File menu and click New Project. Now it is going to give you a list of a bunch of projects you want to create. What we are going to choose is "Console Application". This is what you are going to chose most of the time. This means a basic program for the computer. So go ahead and select this and "go". And make sure you are working in "C++" . "C" is a totally different language. We don't want that. So, C++ go ahead and click that. "Next". Now name your project anything you want. I am going to name mine "YouTube" Why Not? You can save it wherever you want. But I am going to save mine on the desktop. It looks good. It really doesn't matter where you save it or even what you name your project. Just name it something that is easy to remember. So go ahead and give your project... Go ahead and click "Next" and make sure you are using the GNU GCC compiler. Basically everything should be set up by default. Make sure your settings look the same as mine. As long as you didn't hit anything by accident. Should be good to go. Go ahead and click "finish". And you see that nothing pops up by default. You are saying alright. I thought we just created soemthing. So, how do we see what we just created. Actually, if you just click this little plus sign next to "Sources", it shows you all the files it created for you automatically. so, go ahead and double click this "main.cpp". and it shows you in other words it brings up the file it created automatically. So, this is actually the core basics of a simple C++ program. We don't understand what anything means right now, but trust me it's a very simple computer program. The only thing is does is it prints out "Hell World" on the screen. So to make sure that everything is set up and running smoothly let's go ahead and... we need to do something build and run this. I am going to talk about this later. But, for now I just want to make sure your computer is set up and you installed it and downloaded it properly. So go ahead and click this "Build and Run" icon right here. It is with the little gear and little green triangle. Go ahead and click that. And it should flash a couple bars and basically a box should pop up and says "Hello World". And this is all that program is. Basically, it prints out "Hello World on your screen. So if you build and run this and you get "Hello World" immediately you know that you downloaded it, you installed it, and you set up your project successfully. So, we are good to go. So, again, I know you guys don't know what any of this means and even know how to code one line of code yet, but I am going to go over that in the future tutorials. But for now, that is all I have for you guys. Thank you very much watching. don't forget to subscribe and I will see you next tutorial.