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CISP 300: Algorithm Design/Problem Solving
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Spring 2016 (3 Units)
Saturday 9:00am-11:50am in Rm 129 (course code 12683)
Adjunct Professor Brian Lavender's contact information
Phone: 916-286-3691 x12335
FAX: 916-484-8673
Web site:
Office Location: Lib Arts 129
Spring 2016 Office Hours:  12-12:30 or until 1pm if necessary

Course Description

This course introduces methods for solving typical computer problems through algorithm design. Topics include assessing and analyzing computer problems in a top-down, divide-and-conquer approach that leads to a programming solution. It also covers programming plans and detailed design documents from which source code versions of programs are created.

Course Advisory: CISC 310 (Introduction to Computer Information Science).

Required Textbook:
Gaddis, T. (2016), Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design, Fourth Edition. Addison-Wesley, ISBN-13: 9780133985078,
or alternative: Student may purchase the 2nd or 3rd edition .
E-textbook alternative available at:

Required Testing Supplies: Six Scantron form #882-E (100 question test form) for quizzes and final exam.

CISP 300
                4th Ed Textbook 

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

Evaluation and Grading

Quizzes and the final exam must be taken on the date specified in the course lesson plan. If you know ahead of time that you will need to miss a quiz or the final exam, arrangements may be made for you to take it early. Additionally, it is understood that at some time during the course an absence is unavoidable, perhaps resulting in a missed quiz. Therefore, the lowest activity, exercise, and quiz scores will be dropped from final grade calculations.

Unless specified otherwise, assignments in face-to-face course sections must be submitted by the start of lecture on the date due. Assignments in on-line sections are due by midnight on the date specified in the course lesson plan. Late assignments will be severely penalized. Occasionally, assignments are reviewed during lecture on the due date; and frequently, assignments depend on work to be completed in prior assignments. If work is completed late on an assignment, it may result in a dependent assignment to be late as well. For this reason I strongly discourage late assignments by deducting 10 points for each 24 hour period (or fraction thereof) that it is turned in late.

For classes with a lab component, it is unlikely that you will have enough time to complete your lab assignment during the lab portion of the class. Plan to spend some non-class time to complete it. Additional lab hours are available on campus. During certain times of the day some areas of the Business & Computer Science Lab are reserved for classes, so be sure to check the Open Lab Schedule for information concerning BCS Lab availability.

The grade in this course will be determined by student performance in several areas, and will be weighted as described in the following charts. Extra credit points will occasionally be given in quizzes, exercises, or the final examination.

Each student is evaluated on a number of different dimensions throughout this class:

Grade Assessment Weighting
10 best of 11@60 points each
(600 points) 60.0%
10 best of 11@5 points each
(50 points) 5.0%
10 best of 11@10 points each
(100 points) 10.0%
Final Examination (250 points) 25.0%
Total Points 1000 points

Grade Assignment by Total Points
Points Obtained Total % Grade
900+ 90% A
800+ 80% B
700+ 70% C
600+ 60% D
less than 600 below 60% F

Students are responsible for checking the accuracy of all of their own assignment scores on the class website. If there is a posted score appears to be incorrect, please notify the instructor within three days. If a score is not posted within one week of the due date for any submitted assignment, notify the instructor. Final scores will be posted within five days of the final exam, and official class grades will be posted within ten days of the end of the term.

Class Policies

Students are responsible for reading and following all of the instructions in this course syllabus and in any other materials distributed during the course, including those distributed on-line. Students are also responsible for all information and instructions presented in the classroom or lab whether or not they are present.

Ethical Student Behavior

When entering the classroom or computer lab, students are responsible for turning off all cell phones, pagers or any other device which would, in the opinion of the instructor, distract the activities in class. Only students registered in this class are allowed in our classroom or computer lab; children and other family members are not allowed.

No copying, plagiarism, or collaboration will be tolerated in this class. Unless the instructor specifies otherwise, all work assigned in this class, including homework, laboratory, and application or programming assignments, and all examinations, are to be individual efforts. This means that students may discuss their assignments with others, but the actual work must be completed individually.

Every student is required to actively participate to ensure the success of the class assignments. Students are encouraged to discuss problems and/or help each other in Labs and work together to facilitate the learning process, however all students must do their own homework, quizzes and lab assignments. Any copying, plagiarism or "duplicate printing" of any part of homework or lab assignments is expressly forbidden and may result in penalties. The following is a list of examples of Academic Dishonesty.

  1. Copying in part or in whole from someone else's test
  2. Submitting work previously presented in another course when contrary to directions prohibiting such acts from either course.
  3. Altering or interfering with grading in the class.
  4. Using or referring to any sources or materials not authorized by the professor during the test, quiz or examination
  5. Committing other acts that misrepresent one's own academic work
  6. Acting in part or in whole to compromise the integrity of the course examinations, quizzes or projects through replication, duplication, or electronic means.
  7. Submitting a written paper purchased or obtained from an outside source
  8. Representing another's creation (painting, photo, music, computer program, etc.) as your own product and work.
  9. Incorporating words, passages, ideas of another person's writing without citing appropriate credit or acknowledgment and representing it as your own.
  10. Duplicating any previous academic work from another and then submitting them as your own for academic credit.
  11. Forging signatures on Add/Drop slips or altering other college documents
  12. Stealing examinations, test, quizzes, or scoring key for tests.
  13. Removal of class exams or class assignment projects without instructor approval
  14. Altering graded work after it has been returned from the instructor and resubmitting without the instructor's approval
  15. Having another person or student submit academic work in your name
  16. Giving your academic work to another student to copy
  17. Purposely sharing your paperwork with another student to copy for a test or assignment especially when it is not a group project or group response to a test
  18. Lying to an instructor or to a college official to improve your grade
  19. Accessing the college computer system to change your grades or those of other students

Possible Penalties for Academic Dishonesty or Disruptive Behavior

Students will receive a grade of "Zero" or "F" for the current assignment. If the assignment is a large percentage of the grade, or the student has demonstrated academic dishonesty on multiple occasions during the course, the student may receive a failing grade. A report of all incidents will be documented and sent to the Student Discipline Officer. Multiple incidences could lead to suspension and or expulsion from the Los Rios Community College District.

These actions may also apply to students who knowingly or unknowingly allow their work to be copied—keep your work secure.

Expected Student Performance

Personal behavior that promotes an atmosphere favorable to effective instruction and learning is always appropriate. Concern and respect for others both in the classroom and on-line contribute to such an environment. Students should cooperate by willingly demonstrating interest and responsibility throughout this class. Please

Classroom Standards of Conduct

Students shall comply with the following standards of conduct while in the Classroom and Labs.

  1. All students must complete and sign an ARC HS1000 form, and must insure that they have a correct e-mail address listed with ARC E-Services as well as the course website.
  2. No food or drinks are allowed at or under desks. All eating or drinking must be done outside the classroom and labs.
  3. No typing, talking or printing while the instructor is lecturing. Please be courteous to your fellow students.
  4. No instant messaging, personal E-mail, viewing of inappropriate material, or other non-class-related use of the Internet.
  5. No beepers, pagers, or cellphones that are turned on are allowed in class or lab. Turn them OFF before coming to class.
  6. No working on assignments for other classes during lab.
  7. Students are expected and required to stay focused on the assignment for each class and work cooperatively with others to facilitate the learning process for all students.
  8. No software is allowed to be installed or used on ARC's PCs unless specifically authorized by the professor.
  9. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous and respectful manner towards their fellow students, the professor and the Instructional Assistants (IA) at all times.
  10. Please be attentive and take good notes during lectures and while receiving instructions in lab. Students are expected to bring their notes to class with them each class meeting—you will need them for lab assignments!
  11. Students shall follow the Instructor's and/or the Instructional Assistant's specific directions at all times.


Class participation is required in both face-to-face and on-line sections of this class. Lecture/class notes are crucial in this course. If you are late or miss class, please take responsibility to find out what you have missed. Excessive absences may result in withdrawal from this course. LRCCD (Regulation R-2222) specifies that "a student may be dropped from any class when the student's absences exceed six percent (6%) of the total hours of class time." For on-line sections absences will be counted for missed quizzes, discussion board postings, and late or missed assignment submissions, i.e. missing one week's worth of assignments and activities in an eight-week class results in missing 12.5% of the total hours of class time.

Furthermore, students who have not attended the first session of class will be dropped as a no-show. Students who have not attend at least one of the first three sessions of a class will be dropped as a no-show following the third session of the class. Missing the on-line orientation for an on-line class is the same as missing the first day of class.

All absenses in this class are considered unexcused. All students are given the opportunity the drop the lowest grades for most assignments, thus accomodating last-minute sickness or emergencies.

Dropping the Class

If you want or need to drop the class, you may do so by using the on-line Admissions and Records enrollment and registration system. The instructor's signature is not required to drop a class. Students must drop themselves "officially" through Admissions and Records, or they will receive an "F" in the class. DO NOT assume that the instructor will automatically drop you off the class roster—it is the student's responsibility to officially drop classes.

An instructor is not required to drop a student who is not attending class. If a student intends to drop a course, it is the student's responsibility to drop the course, otherwise the student will receive an "F" grade for the course. Once a student has been dropped from the class for whatever reason, the student will not be reinstated.

            1.0! This page last updated: 14 Jan 2016