=Power program= compute x^n x is a real number n is a positive number ==Inputs== Real x Integer n ==Process== compute x^n using a loop ==outputs== result of x^n ==Check Input for n== Module Main Display "Enter an a nonnegative whole number for n" Input n while n < 0 Display "n must be a nonnegative whole number" Display "Please enter n in again" Input n end while Display "You entered the value for n as ", n end module ==Check Inputs== Module Main Declare Real x Declare Integer n,i Declare Real Product Display "This program will calculate x ^ n" Display "Enter the value of x (Type real)" Input x Display "Enter an a nonnegative whole number for n" Input n while n < 0 Display "n must be a nonnegative whole number" Display "Please enter n in again" Input n end while set product = 1 for i = 1 to n do set product = product * x end for Display x, " to the power ', n, ' is ', product End module // main