Gym Ride and then coffee

Tue Jan 9, 2002


Start: 36th and T Streets
End: Family Health and Fitness on 5th and J St.
On the way back I went up I St, and stopped for coffee.

[brian@laptop gps]$ rideplot --color --brush-width=2 \
--speed-cutoff=25 < tracklog-20020109 > bikeride-20020109a.png 
total distance: 11.11km /  6.90mi
maximum speed: 39.92Km/h / 24.80mph
26 points omitted due to speed cutoff

Gym ride again. This ride gives somewhat of an indication showing how effective Midtown is for cyclists, but when you get to downtown, you face hostile environment, or one that lacks continuity. And if you opt for a safer route, you risk breaking the law. I started by going T St, to 34th St. I then took Folsom Blvd which turns into Capitol. Capitol continues to 17th St, where it is blocked because of new construction. I chose to take a left at 17th until I got to N St. Then I meandered through a Maze of Streets to get to the gym. I ventured onto K St in a couple instances.

On the way back I made my way over to I St, where I rode the sidewalk and against traffic. This is pretty safe because you can see what the cars are doing. You can pretty much see what's going on when you enter an intersection as well. My speed was slower going up I St. Of course this is breaking the law. You almost can't ride downtown without breaking the law, or putting your life in danger. That is unless, you want to ride faster, so that you will be going with the flow of traffic. The Schwinn Cruiser just ain't meant for that though. Even thought the output says I hit close to 25 mph, it is erroneous. I was doing somewhere around 11 to 13 mph. This is fairly comfortable on the sidewalk.

I stopped at Weatherstone on 21st St. between H and I Streets to meet a friend for coffee. Of course I saw another Cruiser in the region.
