----- Forwarded message from William Kendrick <nbs@sonic.net> -----
X-envelope-info: <nbs@bolt.sonic.net>
From: William Kendrick <nbs@sonic.net>
Subject: Linux Demo Day at Davis Co-Op and Borders
To: aggiedailycalendar@californiaaggie.com, editor@davis.com
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 02:05:38 -0800 (PST)
Cc: brian@brie.com, khkruger@daviscoop.com, jcross@daviscoop.com,
csco@ucdavis.edu, aajohnston@ucdavis.edu, lwn@lwn.net,
board@brain.CS.Berkeley.EDU, chris@dibona.com, root@lugod.org,
rl@dcn.davis.ca.us, pcsweb@www.city.davis.ca.us
Reply-To: sys@lugod.org
For immediate release:
"LUGOD to Demo Linux at Davis Co-Op and Borders"
On Thursday, February 17th, 2000, the Linux Users' Group of Davis will be
one of over 150 other organizations throughout the world participating in
an international event known as "Linux Demo Day."
Corresponding with the release of Microsoft's "Windows 2000" operating
system, and sponsored by nearly a dozen Linux software and hardware vendors,
the Demo Day is meant to educate the public on why they should consider Linux
as an alternative for use at businesses, schools, and more.
Members of LUGOD will be demonstrating Linux, and answering questions about it,
at the Davis Food Co-Op on G Street between 10am and 3pm, and at Borders
Books and Music on 1st Street between 6pm and 8pm, on February 17th.
LUGOD has regular meetings on the first Tuesday and third Monday of each
month, from 6:30pm to 9:00pm, at Z-World, Inc. in Davis. Meetings are free
and open to the public. Membership in the group is also free.
For more information about LUGOD, visit their website at http://www.lugod.org/,
or contact LUGOD's Vice Chairperson, Bill Kendrick. He can be reached via
e-mail at sys@lugod.org, or on the phone at: 530-759-1019.
Information on Linux Demo Day's is available at their site,
http://www.linuxdemo.org/. General information on Linux is available at
http://www.linux.org/ and http://www.linux.com/.
----- End forwarded message -----
-- Brian Lavender http://www.brie.com/brian/ ********************************************************** * Sacramento Linux Users Group Mailing List * * Unsubscribe: Send a message to majordomo@saclug.org * With 'unsubscribe lug-nuts' in the body * * http://www.saclug.org
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