On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 10:28:47AM -0800, William W. Viergever wrote:
> I'm a Newbie* to this list, but have been a long timer on the SAS-List Server (been a SAS code dog since mid 70's and an OS/2-er since '89) and over there we court all questions: newbie or guru <g>.
> As in any crowd of individuals, however, you may get the snide, put-down-ish response here and there. But the List does seem to "police" itself (large N, I guess, keeps the outliers in check) such that, by and large, the SAS-List is a casual and comfortable place for all.
> Not to be presumptuous, but I don't see why it can't be the same here.
> In fact, I *guarantee*, I'll put my foot in my mouth at least a few times, via "dumb-to-others" types of questions when I finally get around to post to this List <vbg>.
> -----
> * I'm so new, I don't even have a Linux box yet!!.
> Later
Mmm...SAS. Used to be how I fed my family.
About the worst you'll get on this list is "RTFM". Everything else is
pretty helpful. It's cool to see things like Brian trying to get
something right, laying out how he did it, then telling us how he fixed it
and made it right.
Typically, as long as you try something first, let us know how you did it,
and why it isn't working, everybody is really helpful.
Actually, this is one of the best S/N ratio lists I've ever been on.
-- Christopher Scott | cscott@table.jps.net "WWJD? JWRTFM!" -- a.s.r. **************************************************************************** * To UNSUBSCRIBE from the list, send a message with "unsubscribe lug-nuts" * in the message body to majordomo@saclug.org. Please direct other * questions, comments, or problems to lug-nuts-owner@saclug.org.
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