Re: Newbies Allowed? ... WAS: Re: [lug-nuts] Response to Da Basics meeting

From: Brian Lavender (
Date: Tue Jan 18 2000 - 10:42:30 PST

On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 10:28:47AM -0800, William W. Viergever wrote:
> -----
> * I'm so new, I don't even have a Linux box yet!!.

I frequently direct Newbies to the Caldera Open Linux 2.3, available
from Best Buy for $35 with a ten dollar rebate. I am truly amazed at
the simplicity of the Caldera installation, and the book is easily
readable too. And to the curious Linux user who is trying too evaluate
the different distros, I direct him to the cheapbytes Mondo pack.

he means she here too. Try this substitution in vi (I'm not all emacs)
:% s/him/him\/her/g


Brian Lavender
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