Re: [lug-nuts] shared modules in apache

From: Mike Machado (
Date: Fri Jan 07 2000 - 10:38:14 PST

Did you do ./configure --enable-shared=max

that tells it to use the maximum amount of modules it can.

On Thu, 6 Jan 2000, Brian Lavender wrote:

> I was looking at an existing config file for apache and I noticed that
> it has loadmodule for everything. And then down the list it has addmodule
> once it has loaded the modules. How do I compile apache so I get everythig
> as a module? I have an existing config file I want to drop in and I
> would like to make the new server so it does the same thing with the
> modules. Or is this an older way of doing it? Below is the config file
> section for the LoadModules. Do I get this by configuring apache with
> ./configure --enable-rule=SHARED_CORE
> as I see in
> brian
> #LoadModule mmap_static_module modules/
> LoadModule env_module modules/
> #LoadModule define_module modules/
> LoadModule config_log_module modules/
> LoadModule agent_log_module modules/
> LoadModule referer_log_module modules/
> #LoadModule mime_magic_module modules/
> LoadModule mime_module modules/
> LoadModule negotiation_module modules/
> LoadModule status_module modules/
> LoadModule info_module modules/
> LoadModule includes_module modules/
> LoadModule autoindex_module modules/
> LoadModule dir_module modules/
> LoadModule cgi_module modules/
> LoadModule asis_module modules/
> LoadModule imap_module modules/
> LoadModule action_module modules/
> brian
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Mike Machado
Network Specialist

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