Would an entry in /etc/inittab work?
I don't know how you'd handle that X second delay, but inittab might handle
it somehow.
Marc Matteo
Technical Leader, sacbee.com
> ----------
> From: Scott Tyson
> Reply To: lug-nuts@saclug.org
> Sent: Wednesday, January 5, 2000 4:44 PM
> To: lug-nuts@saclug.org
> Subject: [lug-nuts] Simple shelll script question
> I'm not much of a shell programmer. I can do this in perl but I need to
> do it in bash. What I need is script that will launch a program then
> wait for that program to terminate and when it does wait X seconds then
> restart the program. So the script itself would run all the time making
> sure the program runs all the time.
> Something like this:
> #!/bin/bash
> cd dirName
> ./programName
> wait X
> goto TOP
> How would I do this with bash?
> Scott
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