Free Shell Access

From: James W. Nessen (
Date: Mon Jun 21 1999 - 22:06:45 PDT

Hello fellow Linux Users,
  I have setup a machine on my network that I am willing to setup for
shell access for users of this mailing list. If you are interested in an
account that you can use to test your own machine with, etc. Let me know.

If you are interested in obtaining a shell account, please email with the following:

1. Desired Username:
2. Desired Password (you can change when you logon):
3. Full Name:
4. Preferred Shell (bash, tcsh, csh, etc.):

All I ask is that the shell account is not used to pass warez, store
warez, etc. But to be used as a tool to check services on your own
machine, etc. You know :-)

Also, I will trust that no one will attempt to "hack" into my machine, I
am offering this as a service to the lug-nuts users :-)

Have a great night/day/etc :-)


James Nessen
P. +1 916.257.8619
F. +1 1.800.295.9517

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