Re: [lug-nuts] Newbie...

From: Michael Long (
Date: Mon Dec 27 1999 - 21:59:39 PST

> I removed imlib-config. But, when I ran the ./configure in
> /usr/share/enlightenment-0.16.3. The error came up that said that there was
> no Imlib-config to check on. Question, as I posed up top. Should I upgrade
> first to 1.9.8 then to Imlib2-0.0.2? Again, thank you in advance.

You should be able to upgrade to the latest imlib without having to go
through and upgrade process. When you removed Imlib-config did you do
"make install" in the imlib source directory? That should install the
Imlib-config file in /usr/local/bin. If enlightenment is having problems
seeing it go verify that it is in the directory that enlightenment is
looking in.


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