[lug-nuts] Web Site Inventory

From: Lavender, Brian E SPK (BLavender@spk.usace.army.mil)
Date: Mon Dec 13 1999 - 15:22:40 PST

I thought I would share this PERL script with everyone.

It produces an html page showing all the html pages under a specified
directory. It produces an output html file called site.html in the base
directory. If you already have a file called site.html in your base
directory, it will die and warn you to change the name or to delete it.
Plus, all the inventoried files are made into hypertext links, so you can
select the link and visit the page along with a line number before the link.
It's useful for getting an inventory of your site.

Here's how to run the script:

chmod u+x file_find.pl
Modify the path to your perl
Change $base_url and $base_dir to match your setup.

Have fun



# Configuration Variables
# Change these variables to match your web server's configuration

$base_url = "http://www.spk.usace.army.mil";
$base_dir = "/export/home/blavender";
$count = 1;

use File::Find;

if (! -f "$base_dir/site.html") {
  open (OUTFILE , ">$base_dir/site.html");
} else {
  die "$base_dir/site.html already exists.\n Remove or move it before
running this\n";

print OUTFILE << "__END__";
<title>Site Mapa</title>
<h1>$base_url Site Map</h1>

finddepth(\&wanted, $base_dir);

print OUTFILE << "__END__";
Originally developed by: <br>
<a href="mailto:blavender\@spk.usace.army.mil">Brian Lavender</a>

sub wanted {

  if (/\.html$/) {
    $temp = $File::Find::name;
    $temp =~ s/\Q$base_dir//;
    printf OUTFILE ("%5d",$count);
    print OUTFILE qq{ <A HREF="},$base_url,$temp, qq{">},$temp,"</A>\n";
    if ($count % 5 == 0) { print OUTFILE "\n"};


Brian E. Lavender 
Army Corps of Engineers
(916) 557-6623
Sacramento, CA 
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