---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 06:28:32 -0800
From: Matt <>
To: Andy Wergedal <>
Subject: Palm Bar Coding App - EMERGENCY!
FYI... sent this morning to participants of the Palm OS forum on eScribe...
Wish me luck!
- Matt
I am a database developer in California who needs a very simple Palm
OS app // TODAY \\ -- I don't know how to make one, I don't
know C++, nor do I have a C++ compiler! (read below for details)
I am used to PAYing the right person well for their help.
Interested in making a few hundred quick bucks for the holidays?
Please feel free to pass this on to someone else who may be able to help.
Thanks much.
- Matt Perelstein, database dude
Directions Unlimited
(916) 599-8597
Sacramento, CA
Here's what I need...
BACKGROUND: This is a very simple barcoding app for a big insurance
company who wants to keep track of Claims files. The files are
manila folders -- about 160,000 of them. They are already barcoded
(Code39) using a Clipper app created in 1992 and the company
just realized that this app >>MAY<< not be Y2K compliant!?! rush, Rush, RUSH!
PROCESS: Each person's desk has a barcode label that gives their Location.
The user wants to scan the Location barcode and then scan the barcodes of
all the files on that desk... move to the next desk, scan their Location barcode
and then scan the barcodes of all the files on THAT desk... etc. I need the
Palm to track the scans, be able to HotSynch them to be saved as a Text file on the
PC (.TXT or .CSV), and then purge or delete this file to start fresh.
The PC side of the app is in VB, so I can read the text file and parse the
data into the appropriate table.
(Am I missing anything important from this scenario?)
LOC0345 12/6/99, 6:00am
1234567 12/6/99, 6:00am
3214567 12/6/99, 6:01am
1244467 12/6/99, 6:01am
LOC2567 12/6/99, 6:03am
7347967 12/6/99, 6:03am
9944467 12/6/99, 6:03am
BEGGING AND PLEADING: I need a finished product, ready to be installed
on the Palms (plus a little advice on how to accomplish this
feat). Can you help?!?
- Matt
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