Re: [lug-nuts] corel linux review on net

From: Steve Caple (
Date: Fri Nov 19 1999 - 16:05:30 PST


I connected, but despair of ever finishing the 300MB+ d/l - I'd send them
the $4.95 for a disk if I weren't going to EVENTUALLY get one as a C_Tech
member. If I do anytime soon, I'll be glad to burn you a copy if it
doesn't contain any other content that's under NDA.

Steve Caple [C_Tech, Paradox]

At 09:00 AM 11/18/1999 -0800, you wrote:
>Today I once again tried to download corel linux. Of course I still can't
>connect to their ftp servers. I emailed a Sacramento Corel rep asking if he
>could score me a CD. I am curious to see Corel's linux distribution. Here's a
>review of their beta version.
>Brian Lavender
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