Re: [lug-nuts] Q&A table at SACPCUG General Meeting

From: Linux Rocks (
Date: Wed Nov 17 1999 - 13:21:59 PST

On Wed, Nov 17, 1999 at 08:45:17AM -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
> I heard they were including the Korn shell in MS2k

I heard this too -- almost a year ago.

The Korn shell has been licensed to many commercial unixes. The guy who
wrote the korn shell has been making money for years selling ports of
unix programs rewritten for windoze, including the korn shell. I think
his company is MKS which stands for "Mortice Kern Systems".

I checked the MKS WWW site:

and found no mention of the Korn shell being included in Windoze2K.

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