[Lug-Nuts] list moved to saclug.org

From: Brian Lavender (brian@brie.com)
Date: Wed Nov 10 1999 - 09:32:55 PST

James Nessen has set up and configured majordomo on saclug.org
and the names have been transferred over. As of now, post your
messages to

To: lug-nuts@saclug.org

Requests to majordomo, such as unsubscribing, etc.

To: majordomo@saclug.org
Subject: <blank>

unsubscribe lug-nuts

If you have any questions, email me, Jim, or feel free to
post it to the mailing list. I will also make an announcement
at the meeting tonight.

James Nessen <nessenj@jimsoffice.org>
Brian Lavender <brian@brie.com>

Kudos to Jim for setting up the new list and
thanks to Mike Machado for maintaining the list
while it was hosted on cheapnet.net

PS - don't forget the meeting tonight and to tell your friends.


Brian Lavender

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