This message did not quite make it to the list, so here it is.
Ok, i'm going to step in here and open myself up for flames.
<SERMON> It's bad enough to get the OS wars on other groups, but I hoped
that a LINUX users group would be immune to someone telling us why Linux
is evil. I'm here to help and recieve help from local Linux geeks like
myself, not to hear why Solaris and Free BSD are better. I save that for
the BSD groups i subscribe to.
I would like to commend Brian for a valiant effort to defend our favorite
OS from the forces of the dark side. :)
On Sat, 9 Oct 1999, Sean-Paul Rees wrote:
:Brian Lavender wrote:
:> On Sat, Oct 09, 1999 at 12:05:06AM -0700, Sean-Paul Rees wrote:
:> > Bull. The whole of Solaris (Predecessor) is better than the whole of
:> > Linux (GNU) because:
:> > a) Solaris has a multithreaded kernel.
:> How about pthreads? I am not overly familiar with threading, but from what
:> I have seen, it appears that glibc2 (libc6) is much better at threading than libc5.
:> Are we looking at threading in the kernel or we looking at threading elsewhere?
:> Is these two separate issues?
:Solaris is fully multithreaded. Its what makes their multiprocessing
:work really well.
:> > b) Solaris has true multiprocessing, not that lame stuff that Linux
:> > passes off as multiprocessing.
:> > c) Solaris handles lots of RAM better (2GB and above)
:> I don't think Linux will move past 2GB of RAM on 32 bit systems. I think
:> 64 bit will be the key. Too many hacks required for over 2 GB of RAM
:> on 32 bit. That's what I read from Linus' talk at baLUG.
:Humbug. ( is a P3 Xeon 500 (550?) with
:4GB of RAM. FreeBSD handles all 4GBs just fine. Solaris will too, since
:Internic's systems are like 4 way Ultra's with 4GB of RAM.
:> > d) It uses ufs, and only requires one partition for all your mounts,
:> > including swap.
:> Is this like FreeBSD?
:FreeBSD uses ufs also, just different partition ids. Solaris uses
:partition id 82, and FreeBSD uses 165.
:> > e) Fully modularized.
:> How about modules with Linux. I suppose a Micro Kernel would be fully
:> modularized, but it seems that Linux works well being a monolithic
:> kernel. Maybe I am missing something here. Is there a advantage to the
:> increased modularity Solaris has over Linux?
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