Logo by Larry Ewing
Regular meetings set for the second wednesday of the month
at Calweb, 7-9pm.
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, July 14, 1999 - Oracle on Linux (Brian Lavender) along with a Mike Machado special demo
7pm - 9pm
I have been working on installing Oracle on linux so by the time the meeting rolls around I hope to have it functional. The installation has been rather challenging, so I hope to give the recipe presentation of getting Oracle up and running on Debian 2.1. Mike Machado who has developed a number of web/database applications in addition to his gnudip, will make a presentation. I am not sure what Mike has chosen to show, but whatever it is, I am sure it will be inspiring. Mike is especially talented with MySQL, DBI/DBD in PERL, and DNS. gnudip is his special dns tool which is a client that will change a dns entry to represent a changing IP address.
New Location at Calweb Internet Services. Map and Directions available.
Please RSVP: brian@brie.com
LUGS (Sacramento) now has a mailing list. Last meeting I announced the list would be hosted at brie.com, but since Mike Machado offered his expertise, I decided to take him up on his offer. Lug-nuts at brie.com is online, but I plan on transferring the names to Mikes list which he hosts at Majordomo@cheapnet.net. Until the next meeting we will run the lists in parallel. Join and find out the latest with LUGS. To subscribe send a message to Majordomo@cheapnet.net with a blank subject line and in the body place:
To: Majordomo@cheapnet.net
Subject: <blank>
subscribe lug-nuts
Mike Machado informed me about the upcoming Linux Demo day. From what I understand it is a week where LUGs around the world are encouraged to find outlets for demonstrating Linux. It sounds cool, but we need a chairperson to lead the organization of the event. If you are interested in heading up a demo day, let me know and I will replace this blurb with a link to your page. On a second note, we also have the monthly SPCUG meetings where we probably ought to have a linux box set up. I have been thinking about taking my linux box out to the last two meetings. With another volunteer, I would definitely be up to it.
You are invited to the Linux Users Group Sacramento (LUGS) meeting. Linux is a UNIX type operating system. Among the heavyweights, Linux has been adopted by Wells Fargo Bank, NASA, Cisco, PG&E, and the United States Post Office for production applications. Linus Torvalds began the original creation of Linux in 1991 which is now supported by thousands of developers around the world. The source to Linux is open, so it allows for complete customization. Come to the meeting to learn more, or share your current knowledge.
LUGS is a special interest group of the Sacramento PC Users Group. They provide us with liability insurance, non profit status, a monthly publication which we can submit reports to, along with the status of being part of a recoginized organization. I would like to encourage everyone to sign up and become a member. You will help support the group that supports our SIG. Dues are $35 per year. If you would like a membership application, please email me and I will mail you one. You don't have to be a member of SACPCUG to come to the meetings, but by being one, you will help support the continued progress of LUGS.
Map by mapblast
In Sacramento there is Business 80 and Interstate 80. Business 80 passes through downtown. Interstate 80 bypasses it. Make sure you take Business 80.
Now that more people come to the meetings, we need volunteers. You can make LUGS more like the way you want it by becoming a volunteer. We could use volunteers in the following areas:
Brian Lavender
PO Box 19184
Sacramento, CA 95819-0184
Email: brian@brie.com
Wk: (916) 557-6623
Hm: (916) 628-0726