git clone git:// set up the NDK and SDK home stuff export ANDROID_HOME=/home/brian/pkg/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64/sdk export PATH=~/pkg/android-ndk-r9:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH In the SDL2-2.0.1 there is the android project. Copy it and its contents to another location. Rename the folder to media. change into the jni folder. Now copy the SDL2-2.0.1, SDL2_image, and SDL2_mixer to the jni folder. Rename the SDL2-2.0.1 to SDL2. Edit jni/ and uncomment APP_STL := stlport_static jni/src/ SDL_PATH := ../SDL2 SDL_IMAGE_PATH := ../SDL2_image SDL_MIXER_PATH := ../SDL2_mixer LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/$(SDL_PATH)/include $(LOCAL_PATH)/$(SDL_IMAGE_PATH) $(LOCAL_PATH)/$(SDL_MIXER_PATH) # For the for the SDL2_image, change the build to false for webp SUPPORT_WEBP := false # For the for the SDL2_mixer, change the build to false for mp3 support SUPPORT_MP3_SMPEG := false # Add your application source files here... hello.cpp LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(SDL_PATH)/src/main/android/SDL_android_main.c \ Background.cpp Bomb.cpp Bomber.cpp BombHandler.cpp Bucket.cpp FlyingNum.cpp \ Game.cpp GameObject.cpp InputHandler.cpp main.cpp Player.cpp Rectangle.cpp \ TextureManager.cpp LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := SDL2 SDL2_image SDL2_mixer # Make an assets folder in the top level for your graphics and music. mkdir assets # copy over the jpg and sound files to the assets file. SDL will know to load them from this folder. # Now copy over the source files from the madbomber source tree to the jni/src area. In order to do the C++ cross compiling, do the following: $ ndk-build In order to build the apk application and install it to the device, run the following: $ ant debug install